Street art

Mange steder i byen kan man finde kunst på vægge, og selv på fortove kan man finde små stykker malet kunst.

I dag gik jeg forbi denne væg

Som kan findes på E Houston Street mellem Elizabeth St og Bowery

(Many places in town you can find art on the walls and even sidewalks can be found small pieces of painted art.
Today I passed this wall, as can be found on E Houston Street, between Elizabeth St and Bowery)

Met Museum

I dag tog jeg vores gæster med på The Metropolitan Museum of Art – det var meningen at vi ville have været på Guggenheim, men det er lukket om torsdagen, så istedet tog vi på Met, som jeg hellere ikke havde besøgt.

Det kan virkelig anbefales, det er virkelig et flot sted og der er utrolig mange flotte og spændende udstillinger som fx. Egyptian Art, Medieval Art, Greek and Roman Art, Art of Africa, European Paintings, Photographs og meget meget mere.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art set fra gaden af

The Sackler Wing

Temple of Dendur

Temple of Dendur

The Metropolitan Museum of Art har virkelig nogen fantastisk smukke lokale/rum som jeg blev helt fascineret af, foruden The Sackler Wing på ovenstående billede kom vi også forbi disse

Der blev selvfølgelig også kigge en masse på kunst og historie, lige fra det gamle egypten til modernet møbelkunst

Da vi havde set nok på kunst og historie, tog vi på Roof Garden og nød dette syn

MET´s Roof Garden view over Manhattan

For tiden er det en udstilling der oppe som hedder Big Bambú

Big Bambú is a growing and changing sculpture―a vast network of 5,000 interlocking 30- and 40-foot-long fresh-cut bamboo poles, lashed together with 50 miles of nylon rope. It will continue to be constructed throughout the duration of the exhibition. The first phase of the structure―measuring about 100 feet long, 50 feet wide, and 30 feet high―was completed by opening day, April 27. The artists and rock climbers are continuing to build up the eastern portion of the sculpture to an elevation of 50 feet. By summer, the western portion of the sculpture will be about 40 feet high. An internal footpath artery system grows along with the structure, facilitating its progress.


The Metropolitan Museum of Art er beliggende på Upper East Side, på adressen: 1000 5th Ave.

(Today I took our guests at The Metropolitan Museum of Art – it was supposed that we would have been at the Guggenheim, but it is closed on Thursdays, so instead we went to the Met, which I’d not have visited.
It can really recommend it really is a beautiful place and there are so many beautiful and exciting exhibitions like, Egyptian Art, Medieval Art, Greek and Roman Art, Art of Africa, European Paintings, Photographs and much more.
The Metropolitan Museum of Art has some really fantastic beautiful room / space as I was totally fascinated by.
There was of course also look a lot of art and history, from ancient Egypt to modernly furniture.
Since we had seen enough of art and history, we went on Roof Garden and enjoyed this view, which currently has a exhibition up there called Big Bambu. Impressive.)